It’s useful to remember that Yoga is not just about physical postures. Here is an allegory from Kathopanishad.
One’s existence in this world can be compared to a chariot. Aatman/self is the king sitting in the chariot and enjoying the ride (anandamaya kosha – bliss body). Buddhi/intellect is the minister (vijnanamaya kosha – wisdom body) guiding the driver. Manas/mind is the driver (manomaya kosha – thought body). Prana/life force is the reins (pranamaya kosha – vital body). Senses (vision, hearing etc) are the horses (annamaya kosha – physical body) controlled by reins.
Yoga literally means oneness. It is about all the 5 koshas working in harmony and the chariot moving smoothly and pleasantly!
May the chariot of your existence in this world have a smooth journey in this world!